The brief for Chatham High Street was to produce an ambitious yet deliverable masterplan which would bring together the component parts of the town centre, including the waterfront, the Station Gateway, Gun Wharf and The Brook areas, all of which were subjects of separate masterplanning exercises.
Developed in collaboration with Urban Practitioners, the objectives of the masterplan, to be met by any new development proposals, included: creating a strong identity; creating diversity, life and vitality; attracting visitors and investors; simplifying movement; adapting to a shifting economy; drawing on Chatham’s unique heritage; and planning for long term success.
The new sustainable plan repositions Chatham town centre at the heart of the Medway region through the provision of high quality retail, beautiful streets and public spaces, a vibrant cultural offer and the introduction of residential development to the core area and will stimulate and guide development in this central area of the town.
Client Medway Renaissance
Location Chatham, Kent
Scope 250 homes and 41,400m² retail space